8:30 – 8:45 AM

Welcome and Introduction

8:45 - 9:30 AM

How To Increase Manufacturing Efficiencies, Schedule Attainment and Service Levels Using Standard SAP

In this session, we will discuss how to leverage SAP to optimize your entire production process, from planning and inventory to scheduling and fulfillment, for maximum efficiency and customer satisfaction.

SAP and S/4HANA Insights

Whether you are a discrete or repetitive manufacturer, SAP can help improve throughput. Whether you are a make-to-order, make-to-stock, assemble-to-order company, or a combination of these three, SAP can run multiple strategies to meet customer demand and strategic intent. In this session, we will discuss the various types of strategies in addition to the finite scheduling and capacity planning capabilities in SAP to ensure not only measure manufacturing efficiencies but also improve them. Discuss the critical success factors to optimize planning strategies, including forecasting and S&OP initiatives that add value to the bottom line. The different demand planning strategies and the importance of applying the right one.


  • Demand Forecasting and Proactive Production: Learn how to adapt manufacturing processes to anticipate fluctuations in demand, preventing overproduction and stockouts.
  • Inventory Management with SAP: Gain insights into using SAP tools to gain real-time inventory visibility and leverage key metrics to monitor manufacturing throughput.
  • Enhanced Efficiency through Scheduling and Planning: Discover how detailed scheduling and capacity planning can significantly improve operational efficiency.
  • Trustworthy Data for Optimized Production: Maximize production planning by fostering a culture of data transparency and leveraging reliable information for better decision-making
9:30 – 9:40 AM


9:40 – 10:25 AM

Hands-on Exercises: Materials Planning, Exception Monitoring, and Capacity Evaluation with a Finite Scheduling Demonstration

10:25 – 10:40 AM


10:40 – 11:25 AM

How to Utilize Production Reporting Analytics to Improve Service Levels and Revenue Enablement

In this session, we will show you how to use built-in SAP reports to uncover production bottlenecks, improve service levels, and boost revenue opportunities.

SAP and S/4HANA Insights

The challenge is that all too many of us do not fully understand how to best leverage SAP tools to build throughput rates nor do we fully grasp the entirety of what is happening on the shop floor. Without insights into the efficiency of our production lines, we won’t be able to identify the capacity restraints that may or may not be built into our supply chain. As a result, we are in danger of under or overpromising to our customers, which leads to churn in our plan and lost revenue opportunities. Recognizing the value opportunity of identifying and measuring throughput is therefore essential to keep us agile and flexible in serving customers.The challenge is that all too many of us do not fully understand how to best leverage SAP tools to build throughput rates nor do we fully grasp the entirety of what is happening on the shop floor. Without insights into the efficiency of our production lines, we won’t be able to identify the capacity restraints that may or may not be built into our supply chain. As a result, we are in danger of under or overpromising to our customers, which leads to churn in our plan and lost revenue opportunities. Recognizing the value opportunity of identifying and measuring throughput is therefore essential to keep us agile and flexible in serving customers.


  • Boost Manufacturing Visibility: Standard SAP reports provide a clear view of your manufacturing processes, highlighting areas for potential improvement.
  • Optimize Analysis: Mastering the prerequisites equips you to fully leverage these reports, pinpointing inefficiencies and exceptions with greater accuracy.
  • Fuel Continuous Improvement: Translate report data into actionable insights, driving a data-driven approach to optimize your manufacturing processes.
  • Drive Improvement: Leverage analytics from these reports to implement a continuous improvement model for your manufacturing operations.
11:25 – 11:35 AM


11:35 AM - 12:20 PM

Hands-on Exercise: Materials Planning, Exception Monitoring, and Capacity Evaluation with a Finite Scheduling Demonstration

12:20 PM

Question & Answer