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Changing Lives, One Supply Chain at a Time

People, Processes & SAP

Steven Crooke

Reveal promotes the phrase “Changing lives, One Supply Chain At a time.”  We turned these words into a core belief just less than 5 years ago in recognition that true change is really about the people, not about the technology.

Truthfully, that might be over-simplifying the matter. We all understand that in today’s world, anything that represents true change involves changing three things: technology, process(es) and primarily people.  I look at the magnitude and difficulty of change in the context of the ambiguity of that change. In that respect technology is the easiest – it is binary: black and white.  Something either works or it doesn't or the outcome is either achieved or it is not.

Processes are the same... not that it is always easy to tear apart a process and remap it or change it to be a thing of beauty.  Honestly, this is hard to do and requires a specific skill set and mindset.  In this context, however, this too is binary: the process follows the happy path, or it follows one of the other branches of the process.  The outcome then is predictable and repeatable.

Now for the people component – the toughest and most rewarding piece of the puzzle.  People are not so binary, in fact, people are the opposite of binary. We have emotions, feelings, experiences, biases, and baggage – these are analog.  We operate along a continuum of feelings, gray and ambiguity.  These qualities make humans unpredictable, challenging, frustrating, interesting and exciting. We cannot be mapped in a binary fashion – as much as a slew of personality tests and psychologists would have us believe we can.  But who would you rather spend time with?  A perfectly binary program or process, or a perfectly unpredictable, emotional human being?  Our world, and more specifically our business, is built with Human Beings.  At Reveal, we seek out people with a delightful array of characteristics that, when combined with other like-minded employees of Reveal, form powerful teams who go out on projects and transform people and organizations.

With Christmas upon us and the holiday celebrations in full swing, we would like to wish our circle of wonderful Human Beings – Employees and Clients – a wonderful and peaceful time of family and relaxation.  We also think of those who are less fortunate than us and give thanks to those organizations that we support who give endlessly to help others.  May we all have our spirits lifted and ready to change the world around us, one person at a time, one company at a time and one community at a time. If you want to do that as part of the Reveal family then please go and have a look at our website to see if we are your kind of company.


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