Sep 18, 2024
Sep 18, 2024

MasterClass: Production & Capacity Planning

SAP Supply Chain Warehouse Management Workshop

From Forecast to Fulfillment: Mastering SAP for Peak Manufacturing Performance

Date: Wednesday, September 18th, 2024 Time: 8:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Do you ever feel like your production schedule is more wishful thinking than a realistic plan? You're not alone. One of the most underutilized features of SAP is its powerful Production Planning & Capacity Planning (PP/CP) module. This MasterClass will be your game-changer. We'll take you on a deep dive into the key features and functionalities of SAP PP/CP, empowering you to:

  • Generate realistic and actionable production schedules: Learn how to leverage SAP to create feasible plans that consider your actual production capacity and resource limitations.
  • Say goodbye to guesswork: Explore advanced forecasting techniques to predict customer demand with greater accuracy, leading to more efficient production planning.
  • Boost efficiency and optimize resource allocation: Discover how SAP can help you identify bottlenecks and optimize your use of labor, machines, and materials.
  • Gain a competitive edge: Make informed decisions with real-time data and insights, allowing you to react faster to market fluctuations and ensure on-time delivery.

Our expert instructors will guide you through everything you need to know in a clear and practical way.

Don't miss this opportunity to take your production planning to the next level! Register today!


Tom Bourne
Tom Bourne
SAP Integration Advisor
Reveal USA

Tom Bourne

Reveal USA LinkedIn Page
Kristie Bane
Kristie Bane
ACPF, Thought Leader

Kristie Bane

Is an Associate Partner and Thought Leader with Reveal. She has over 20 years of practical integrated supply chain management experience across a variety of industries from fashion, retail and entertainment to consumer-packaged goods manufacturing and automotive accessories. She specializes in organizational change management, decision support solutions, and  integrated business planning processes for supply chains of all shapes and sizes. Kristie is a A-CPF, certified DDLP/DDPP and certified SAP Solutions Practitioner for SCM.

Reveal USA LinkedIn Page



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